
Showing posts from September 27, 2017

Can you increase your height as an adult?

Some people are unhappy with their height and wish they could be taller. Unfortunately for most adults, there is not much that can be done to increase height. After age 18, most tricks to increase height will not work, even with good nutrition and exercise However, there are ways to appear taller and prevent loss of height, which is common as people age. What determines height? Height is determined by a range of factors, including: genetics sex certain medical conditions nutrition exerciseGenetics account for the majority of a person's height. Studies on fraternal twins show that the biggest factor in determining a person's body type is heredity. Quite simply, if a person's parents are tall, it is more likely that the person will also be tall. If a person's parents are short, it is much more likely that the person will be short as well. Sex is another biologic factor that plays a role in determining a person's total height. Women tend to ...

Frequent ejaculation and prostate cancer: What's the link?

The prostate is a small, walnut-shaped gland that plays an important role in ejaculation. It produces the fluid in semen and helps push this fluid out when a man ejaculates. About 1 in 7 men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime. As prostate cancer is so common, being aware of the risk factors is important. This article explores whether frequent ejaculation can reduce the risk of prostate cancer . Is there a link between ejaculation and prostate cancer? In recent years there have been a number of articles that claim ejaculating more often can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. While these claims might sound like sensationalized headlines, they may be supported in part by scientific evidence. What the research says According to a 2016 study in European Eurology , men who ejaculate more frequently are less likely to develop prostate cancer, compared to those who ejaculate less often. The research from 2016 was a follow-u...

Five ways to quit smoking

Deciding that you are now ready to quit smoking is only half the battle. Knowing where to start on your path to becoming smoke-free can help you to take the leap. We have put together some effective ways for you to stop smoking today. Tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke are responsible for more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States, according to the American Lung Association. Most people are aware of the numerous health risks that arise from cigarette smoking and yet, "tobacco use continues to be the leading cause of preventable death and disease" in the U.S. Quitting smoking is not a single event that happens on one day; it is a journey. By quitting, you will improve your health and the quality and duration of your life, as well as the lives of those around you. To quit smoking, you not only need to alter your behavior and cope with the withdrawal symptoms experienced from cutting out nicotine, but you also need to find other ways ...

Long-term sexual satisfaction: What's the secret?

Once the flutters of a new relationship are over, for many, the slog of everyday life sets in. But how do you keep the spark alive? Sex is a key factor in most romantic relationships. In fact, earlier this year,  Medical News Today reported that the "afterglow" that newlywed couples feel for up to 2 days after having sex is associated with greater marital satisfaction. But last week, a new study showed that 34 percent of women and 15 percent of men who had lived with their partner for at least 1 year had lost interest in sex. There are many factors that can affect sexual desire. Find out how much sex has the greatest effect on happiness, why some people lose interest, and what factors contribute to long-term sexual satisfaction. How much sex is enough? In a 2016  paper , Amy Muise, Ph.D. - a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto Mississauga in Canada - explains that there is plenty of evidence that "...