
Showing posts from November 23, 2017

How to make him committed to you

What does it take to get a man to truly commit and want only you? What men desire most is a woman who inspires them to be their best self. Being that woman is a much different mindset than what most women typically do these days. So whatā€™s the major error that trips women up? Itā€™s their focus. Instead of focusing on the feelings and experience they create for the man, the woman fixates on her own wants, her own worries, her own fears. And amidst this completely self-absorbed mindset consumed by what she wants, itā€™s no wonder that sheā€™s unable to hook a manā€™s interest in a significant way, one that goes beyond just hooking up. Sure, that woman might cook him dinners, perform in bed, and tell him how much she likes him, but none of that stuff penetrates a manā€™s psychology on a deep and meaningful level. Forget about just getting commitment. When you really understand and master the art...

How to fall in love again

Love is one of the most undefined and over-expressed experiences. We have all sorts of ideas and notions about it that either reinforce its importance or hold us back from loving fully. We have ideas of how love should look, how it should feel, and how it should be expressed. All these shouldings cause us great struggle in long term relationships, and as a coach who works with relationship challenges and a person who has had her fair share of challenges, one thing stands out to me ā€” being in love at first just happens and then through conscious choice and action love either stays alive or runs its course. "Being in love may happen by accident at first, but I truly believe itā€™s a choice whether your nurture that love or not." Here are some of the ways I see people erode the love they have for their partner and I have some suggestions about how to build that love up instead of tearing it down. Reignite your spark ...