Induced Labour: What You Need To Know
Are you expecting a baby and wondering about induced labour? In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about this common childbirth procedure. What Is Induced Labour? Induced labour, also known as labor induction, is when healthcare providers use medications or other methods to stimulate contractions in a pregnant woman who has not started labor naturally. This procedure is usually done when the health of the mother or baby is at risk, or when the pregnancy has gone past its due date. Why Is Induced Labour Needed? There are several reasons why a healthcare provider may recommend induced labour. Some of the most common reasons include: Preeclampsia Gestational diabetes Placental abruption Post-term pregnancy Fetal growth restriction Induced labour may also be needed if the baby is not growing properly or if the mother has a health condition that could make vaginal delivery dangerous. How Is Induced Labour Done? There are several methods used to induce l...