Boris Johnson condemns Pulling Queenās statue during livid protests over Canadian mass graves

Johnson stated he sympathised with the protesters angered via the "tragic discoveries" of mass graves belonging to First Nations children but iterated he opposed "any defacing of statues of the Queen". Footage online shows members of the left-wing anti-colonialist Idle No More group tying a rope round the Queen's sculpture and tearing it down, chanting "no justice, no peace". Demonstrators were reacting to information that the bodies of more than 1,000 First Nations kids were discovered buried in boarding schools throughout British Columbia. In a separate clip, protesters chant "knock her down" as they topple Queen Victoria's sculpture, daubing it in red paint and leaving a "we were children once. Bring them home" sign beside it. "We of course condemn any defacing of statues of the Queen", the prime minister's spokesperson informed reporters. "Our thoughts are with Canada's indigenous community following t...