
Causes and effects of heart attack

heart attack occurs when the flow of blood to the heart is blocked. The blockage is most often a buildup of fat, cholesterol and other substances, which form a plaque in the arteries that feed the heart (coronary arteries). The plaque eventually breaks away and forms a clot. The interrupted blood flow can damage or destroy part of the heart muscle. Causes of heart attack   The following factors are associated with increased risk of a heart attack:  Age: Heart attacks are more likely when a man is over 45, and when a woman is over 55. Angina: This causes chest pain due to lack of oxygen or blood supply to the heart. High cholesterol levels: These can increase the chance of blood clots in the arteries. Diabetes: This can increase heart attack risk.  Diet: For example, consuming large quantities of saturated fats can increase the likelihood of a heart attack. Genetics: A person can inherit a higher risk of heart attack. Heart surgery: This can lead to a heart attack

How to glow your skin naturally

Your skin is your body's largest and fastest-growing organ. Skin is your body's coat. It protects you. It helps you stay warm when it's cold, and cool when it's hot.  Your skin keeps all your insides in, from your heart and lungs to your blood and muscles. And unless it's cut or damaged, it keeps stuff out, including germs and water. You also feel things through the nerves in your skin.  It is your duty to take care of your skin and to make it glow. Let's talk about how to make your skin glow without blemishes. Tips on how to glow your skin naturally Turmeric Remedy Turmeric contains cucurmin, which has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It eliminates the harmful free radicals that are damaging the skin. It also enhances collagen production, and this keeps your skin supple and glowing.  How to use it - 2-1 teaspoon turmeric powder - 4 tablespoons gram flour(also called chickpea flour) - Milk or water What to

Hurricane Florence Storm starts

Officials warn of life-threatening storm surges in both North and South Carolina as the hurricane moves towards land with maximum sustained wind speeds of 90mph (150 km/h).  State officials are bracing for the worst. A tattered American flag seen flying on a live surf camera at Frying Pan Tower in North Carolina is evidence of the strong wind gusts pounding the coast. More than 100,000 homes are already without power as weather conditions begin to worsen. Officials have warned the storm has the potential to kill "a lot of people" amid risks of "catastrophic" flooding. More than 4 million people along the coastlines of North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia have been ordered to evacuate. Even though Florence's winds weakened as it drew closer to land, dropping from a peak of 140 mph earlier in the week, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper maintained his warning. "Don't relax, don't get complacent. Stay on guard. This is a powerf

A boy of 2years old smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day

A 2 year old boy from Sukabumi, west java, Indonesia addiction story went viral.  RAP has he is called, reportedly been addicted to smoking cigarettes for about a month and an half. According to the report, he smokes up to two packs a day. Rap mother, identified as Maryati, said the little boy picked up his horrible habit after he started becoming intrigued by cigarettes and picking their discarded butts off the floor. Maryati added that she and her husband , Misbahudin, found it difficult  to say no to RAP's smoking cravings as the boy would throw a tantrum until he's given a cigarette. She said that he also needs to have a puff before he can go to sleep. RAP's dad who is also an occasional smoker, said he was surprised that his son could puff like a seasoned smoker, and that the boy would even bum cigarettes from other adults if his parents wouldn't give in to his offer. "I don't even smoke that often. I only smoke at work. When RAP smokes it h

How to dress for a job interview

Before you say a single word to the interviewer, you have already made an impression based on how you’re dressed. The guidelines given here are commonly accepted as appropriate for interviewing. Every company has a different dress code; how you dress at the job may have very little to do with how you dress for an interview. Proper ways to dress in an interview(Men) 1. Dress in a manner that is professionally appropriate to the position for which you are applying. In almost all cases, this means wearing a suit. It is rarely appropriate to “dress down” for an interview, regardless of company dress code policy. When in doubt, go conservative. 2.You should wear a suit to interviews. “Suit” means the works: a matching jacket and pants, dress shirt, tie, coordinating socks and dress shoes. A dark-colored suit with light colored shirt is your best option. 3.Your suit should be comfortable and fit you well so that you look and act your best. Avoid loud colors and f