NATO Opposes A No-Fly Zone, While Ukraine Criticizes The 'Green Light For Bombs

NATO Opposes A No-Fly Zone, While Ukraine Criticizes The 'Green Light For Bombs

Ukraine claims that NATO's decision allows Russia to continue bombing its cities and villages.

NATO has rejected Ukraine's request for a no-fly zone, triggering outrage from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who claims the decision allows Russia to continue bombing his nation.

"As NATO allies, we have a responsibility to prevent this conflict from spreading beyond Ukraine because it would be even more deadly, catastrophic, and cause even more human misery."

In a harsh and impassioned speech, Ukraine's president slammed the decision.

"Today there was a NATO summit, a weak summit, a confused summit, a summit where it was evident that not everyone regards the battle for Europe's freedom to be the number one aim," Zelenskyy said late Friday in a televised address.

"After refusing to establish a no-fly zone, the alliance's leadership gave the green light for more bombing of Ukrainian cities and villages today."

Following an emergency meeting of the 30-member alliance in Brussels, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced the decision.

He claimed that helping Ukraine defend its airspace from Russian missiles and jets would necessitate NATO soldiers shooting down Russian planes, resulting in a "full-fledged war in Europe involving many more nations."

He stated, "We are not a party to this fight."

"As NATO allies, we have a responsibility to prevent this conflict from spreading beyond Ukraine because it would be even more deadly, catastrophic, and cause even more human misery."

In a harsh and impassioned speech, Ukraine's president slammed the decision.

"Today there was a NATO summit, a weak summit, a confused summit, a summit where it was evident that not everyone regards the battle for Europe's freedom to be the number one aim," Zelenskyy said late Friday in a televised address.

"After refusing to establish a no-fly zone, the alliance's leadership gave the green light for more bombing of Ukrainian cities and villages today."

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