How To Do Cornrow Braids - Learn how to to this simple braiding. .
Cornrows also(also known as cane rows) are one of the oldest and most popular braid styles ever created. It's so popular in fact that even though it's a traditionally black hair style, it's been adopted by many other ethnic groups. These braids take the least amount of time to put in and take out and it's very easy to customize your own special look. It's one of the few braiding techniques that you can get really creative with. With a little skill and imagination there's almost no limit to the looks you can do! Let's look at how these braids are done and how you can keep them looking good. Cornrow Style and Care Tips Here are some tips for styling and caring for your cornrows. You can either use your own hair or add extension hair to your cornrows. Your hair should be at least 2-3 inches long to create a neat cornrowed hair style. This type of braid style lasts anywhere from 4-6 weeks, depending on how you care for them. Braidi