Ways to attract the right partner


How amazing would it be to find the perfect partner to spend your life with (or at least a long while), in absolute bliss?

It’s not going to happen by some movie-moment magical events, so let me show you how you can take your love life into your own hands.
A well-matched partner won't meet all of your needs. As there's no such thing as a perfect partner, you're shooting for about 85%. 
This means that you may meet someone who ticks all the boxes except physically he's not quite what you imagined. 
That's OK. As a product of this culture, you probably have a warped definition of attraction that could use some redefining anyway. Likewise, she may not be as socially adapt as you had imagined. 

My point is that these aren't deal breakers, so while you're creating your vision list, it's absolutely essential to know that your future partner won't meet all of your desires and that you'll have to sacrifice somewhere. 

To attract your dream partner you must first become a dream partner. It’s easy to overlook this part. We have high expectations on what we expect of a partner without considering if we meet them ourselves.


So how do you find your “perfect partner”? How do you attract an amazing man or woman into your life?

 Here are the top criteria that most of us have when we’re seeking a partner for a committed relationship. Instead of looking at them as criteria for the other person, we are going to evaluate whether we meet them ourselves.

1. Define what you want, and what you don’t want.

Most people don’t get what they want simply because… they don’t know what they want!
A mere glance at your list, or the picture of your partner in mind, should send ripples of excitement throughout your body. If not, you’re missing out on the emotional power that is going to drive your desire and magnetize it closer.
 You can’t just “hope” for an amazing partner – you need to have a burning desire for them. Wishing and daydreaming isn’t enough, you need a definite idea. 


 2. Loyal

Are you ready to be loyal to just one person? Or do you still want to play the field? Either is okay. But if you pick the latter you must be honest with those you date and not expect them to be loyal while you play.

This is true even if you’re a guy. Many guys expect their partner to be loyal without holding themselves to the same standard. Then they are overly and unfairly suspicious of unfaithful activities by their partner.

If you want a partner who is loyal to you, then you must be really to be completely loyal to them.

3. Become “Perfect Partner” material.

In order to attract, date, and keep your perfect 10 partner – you must be their equivalent of the same.

Do not change your personality for them, rather, become the best version of yourself that would meet your own expectations.

 Why do you imagine such a high quality person would date somebody who doesn’t match their own ideal mate? That’s right, they wouldn’t.

If you want to date amazing people,you have to become an amazing person yourself.

If you’re going to “change” in order to attract a higher caliber person, change to improve for yourself – not for them.

Change because you want to become healthy, fit, loving, honest, successful, and happy for yourself and nobody else. I’m talking genuine self improvement here, we all have to do it.

The better we become inside and out, the better our lives become, and the better people we attract into it.
There is serious decision making when it comes to finding somebody you’re going to spend decades with. They, just like yourself, want the best they can get on all levels. It’s important to realize their standards can be totally different than yours, so don’t focus on fitting into their mold. Instead focus on becoming your ideal self, and the perfect match to that will come naturally in your partner.


This is not about becoming something you’re not, this is about getting rid of the conditioning that prevent who you really are from shining.

Don’t fall into the trap of “just being yourself” as an excuse to not do any work. You’re becoming more “you” each day you heal and reach for your potential than the “you” when you’re sick, miserable, broke, bitter, lonely, bored, and angry.


4. Attractive

Are you fit and attractive in the way that you expect a partner to be? Or do you need to lose some weight and start working out?
If you want a partner who is slim, fit, and drop dead gorgeous, you must get yourself in shape first. If there’s one area that most people have direct control over it’s their weight and fitness. So there are no good excuses.

If you want a partner whose appearance ignites your passions, get fit, cut, and screamingly good-looking. Keep in mind that attractiveness isn’t always about being extraordinarily pretty or handsome. More often, it’s about mastery over your body and self-confidence!

5. Focus, imagine, and appreciate what you want.

In order to get what you want, you need to focus on it. Keep that list of what you want out, and be sure to focus and imagine what that perfect partner looks like, and most importantly, what it feels like to be with them.
It’s important to appreciate already having them, even though you don’t. This is a crazy request and messes up most people when they do anything “Law of Attraction” based. The best way to do this is appreciating the individual traits as you see them in other people and yourself. If you can feel the appreciation as you imagine and daydream, great.

 However most people don’t feel it, so if you can enjoy the qualities separately in your own life, it helps.

6. Together

Do you have your life together? Or are you expecting your partner to save you or bail you out?

If you are deeply in debt, emotionally fragile from a prior relationship, and unstable in your career, you need to get these things in order before you seek a partner.

If you want to attract a partner who is financially sound, emotionally strong, and moving toward definitive career goals, then you need to become that yourself first!

There are many more criteria, but these common ones should give you an idea of what you need work on to attract your dream partner. If you fall short of becoming a dream partner, you’ll attract a person at the level you’re at. But why settle for less?


7. Be ready and open.

The last step is to actually be ready for such an amazing person to come into your life. You may think you’ve been ready for ever, so what the hell?! Well here’s the profound truth:

If you were really ready, they would be here. Because they are not here, it means you’re not ready.
It’s as simple as that. “Being ready” could be a choice, a mindset, where you live, your current lifestyle, your work to become a better quality mate, having more relationships to learn from, or a greater purpose at the moment. It either means you have more work to do, or the time just isn’t right for both you and that person.

You may have internal blocks, such as limiting beliefs or negative emotions. This can show up with thoughts like:

• “I’m not good enough for such an amazing partner”
• “I can never love openly again”
• “Life sucks, nobody loves me”
• “I’m ugly, how they find me attractive?”
• “Only rich people or super models can have great mates”

 Even if a partner does show up while you have thoughts like these, there’s a good chance you’ll sabotage the relationship unconsciously. It’s imperative to find and heal these, a processes that may take years. It doesn’t mean you have to be lonely in interim, though.

8. Spirituality

This may or not be important to you, depending on how much spirituality plays a part in your own life.
There is real power in a vision list, especially when you write it from a place of joy. You may be amazed when, a year from now, you pull out the list and realize that the person sitting across from you does, indeed, embody nearly all of the essential qualities that you write about today.

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