In His Speech On Thursday, Biden Will "Outline The Next Phase In The Fight Against The Virus," According To The White House

In His Speech On Thursday, Biden Will "Outline The Next Phase In The Fight Against The Virus," According To The White House

During his Covid-19 remarks on Thursday, President Biden will "outline the next step in the fight against the virus," according to the White House.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the President would "be specific about what we're trying to accomplish" while meeting with his Covid-19 team "to talk about a range of steps," noting that she was speaking while the President was meeting with his Covid-19 team "to talk about a range of steps."

"He'll announce six initiatives to stem the spread of Delta and increase vaccines tomorrow," Psaki said during a press conference in the afternoon. "What these six measures would do," she claimed Biden will explain.

"We know that increased vaccinations will slow the pandemic's progress and bring it under control." We'll get people back to normal. "Just note that what you're going to hear from the President tomorrow is going to build on some of the steps that the President announced over the last few months," she continued, adding, "just note that what you're going to hear from the President tomorrow is going to build on some of the steps that the President announced over the last few months."

According to Psaki, the country has more work to do and is still fighting the virus and its Delta form. Biden is "speaking to it now, because this subject, of course, is on the minds of Americans across the country," she said.

"He'll lay out the next steps in the virus war and what they entail, including efforts to collaborate with the public and private sectors, building on the actions we've already outlined."

More immunizations, increased testing, and "making it safer for youngsters to go to school" are among the initiatives she suggested.

She noted that the procedures would be executed over the coming months.

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