How To Deal With Sleep Disorder

How To Deal With Sleep Disorder

Sleep disorders are conditions that interfere with your sleep or prevent you from getting restful sleep, and as a result, can cause daytime sleepiness and other symptoms. Anyone can have trouble sleeping from time to time. 

However, you may have a sleep disorder if: 

- You have trouble sleeping regularly. 

- You often feel tired during the day even though you slept at least seven hours the night before. 

- You have a limited or limited ability to do normal daytime activities. 

There are around 80 different types of sleep disorders. The main ones are: 

 - Insomnia. 

 - sleep apnea. 

 - Restless Legs Syndrome. 

 - Narcolepsy. 

  How much sleep is necessary? 

Experts generally recommend that adults get at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night, although some people need more and others less. 

A recent survey by the National Sleep Foundation Sleep in America found that adults (18-54 years old) sleep an average of 6.4 hours a night on weekdays and 7.7 hours on weekends. The survey showed a downward trend in sleep time over the past few years.People who sleep fewer hours typically use the internet at night or bring work home with them from the office. 

 The National Sleep Foundation also reported that older adults (55-84 years old) slept an average of seven hours on weekdays and 7.1 hours on weekends. Sleep is most commonly disrupted by the need to use the toilet and physical pain or discomfort in older adults. 

A downward trend in sleep time was also observed in children. The optimal sleep time varies according to age. A previous Sleep in America survey found a discrepancy between recommended and actual sleep time in children, with actual sleep time 1.5 to two hours less than caffeine consumption, resulting in three to five hours of sleep loss and having a TV on Bedrooms contributed to a loss of two hours of sleep per week in children. 

 What if a person doesn't get enough sleep? 

Not getting the right quantity or quality of sleep leads to more than just fatigue.Drowsiness affects cognitive function, which can lead to learning problems in children, memory problems in people of all ages, personality changes, and depression. 

Sleep-deprived people have difficulty making decisions, irritability, performance problems, and slower reaction times, all of which put them at risk of auto and work accidents. Diabetes and heart disease. 

What causes insomnia? 

 Several factors can cause sleep problems. Although the causes can vary, the end result of all sleep disorders is that the body's natural sleep-wake cycle is disrupted or exaggerated during the day. 

Eight factors include: 

 - Physical (such as ulcers). 

 - medicine (like asthma). 

 - Psychiatric (such as depression and anxiety disorders). 

 - environment (as alcohol). 

 -  Worknight shift (this work schedule messes up “biological clocks”). 

- Genetics(narcolepsy is genetic). 

- Drugs (some interfere with sleep). 

-  Aging(about half of all adults over 65 have some form of sleep disorder; it is not clear whether this is a normal part of aging or the result of medications commonly used by the elderly). 

 What are the symptoms of insomnia? 

 You may have a sleep disorder if you notice any of the following symptoms.

- Do you fall asleep while driving a car?  

- Do you have trouble staying awake when you are inactive, e.g. B. when watching TV or reading? 

- Do you have difficulty paying attention or concentrating at work, school, or home? 

- Do you have performance problems at work or at school?  

- Do others often tell you that you are sleepy? 

- Do you have memory problems? 

- Do you have slow answers? 

- Are you having trouble controlling your emotions? 

- Do you have to take a nap almost every day? 

 How are sleep disorders treated? 

 There are a variety of treatments recommended by health care providers: 

- Counseling: Some sleep specialists recommend cognitive behavioral therapy. Such counseling will help you “identify, challenge, and change the stressful thoughts” that can keep you up at night. 

 - Medicines and / or Food Supplements.  

- Practice sleep hygiene, such as a regular sleep schedule. 

-  Exercise regularly. 

- Minimizes noise. 

- Minimizes the light. 

- Check the temperature so that you are comfortable. 

 Which drugs can help with sleep disorders? 

 Your doctor can recommend some of the following medications and supplements: 

 Sleeping pills can be helpful in some cases of insomnia, such as melatonin, zolpidem, zaleplon, eszopiclone, ramelteon, suvorexant, lamborexant, or doxepin. 

 What tips are there for a good night's sleep

Create the optimal sleeping environment by making your bedroom comfortable, cool, quiet and dark. If noise is keeping you awake, try background noises like "white noise" or earplugs. If light is disturbing your sleep, try a sleep mask or a sudden blackout.

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