Rage Erupted Today When A Mob Of Isulate Britain Environmental Fanatics Blocked Mothers And Truck Drivers At Rush Hour.

Rage Erupted Today When A Mob Of Isulate Britain Environmental Fanatics Blocked Mothers And Truck Drivers At Rush Hour.

At the company site, a stone's throw from the Purfleet freight terminal, a mother shouted, “My son is 11 and needs to go to school today.

 So go ahead and let me take my son to school. don't do anything good "as he tried to reason with the crowd. He yelled," Why aren't you at work? Why are you preventing people from working? 

Another commuter adds, “My business is on its knees. We have a lot of UK transport problems. Even a frantic truck driver was caught driving straight towards the protesters in a desperate attempt to pass. the protesters have left the road, but the truck can only move an inch forward before they sit back down.

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