The Biden Administration Has Launched A Website With Free At-Home Tutoring. Covid Conducts Testing A Day Ahead Of Schedule

The Biden administration has launched a website with free at-home tutoring. Covid conducts testing a day ahead of schedule.

On Tuesday, a day before the site was set to go live, the Biden administration stealthily unveiled its website for Americans to seek free at-home Covid-19 tests.

People can order four at-home tests per residential address using the website, which is managed by the US Postal Service.

Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, said the website was in "beta testing" and was only available in "restricted capacity" until it was officially launched. According to Psaki, the website will go live in the middle of the morning on Wednesday.

The site's popularity skyrocketed almost immediately, but it wasn't without its flaws. Some customers complained on social media that they couldn't order tests since the application didn't seem to account for apartment blocks with different households.

One Twitter user stated, "I live in an apartment complex, thus it's a bitter race with my neighbors to see who gets those free tests."

According to the White House, shipments from would be limited to four quick tests per residential address at first, regardless of the number of tenants. As a result, a family of five would receive the same amount of tests as a single person.

According to a Biden spokesperson, the USPS is aware of "extremely rare incidents" of addresses that are not registered as multi-unit buildings being barred from ordering Covid tests.

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