In England, Covid Has Launched A Spring Booster Vaccine For Over-75s And High-Risk People

In England, Covid Has Launched A Spring Booster Vaccine For Over-75s And High-Risk People

In England, people aged 75 and more, residents in care homes, and those with compromised immune systems can now get an extra Covid booster shot.

It comes as government data shows that infection rates are growing across the board, especially among the elderly.

The deployment follows vaccination consultants in the United Kingdom's proposal that more vaccines will help increase protection for the most vulnerable.

In Wales and Scotland, spring boosters are already in use.

This autumn, a larger booster program involving more people is expected.

It comes as Covid instances in the UK are on the rise, with one in every 20 persons infected, according to the latest estimates.

People exhibiting symptoms of the virus should "behave appropriately," according to Health Secretary Sajid Javid, but it is up to the person to determine whether or not to take a test.

"I believe we need to take a step back and consider how we can learn to live with Covid while focusing on our best line of defense, which is the immunization program," he said.

Vaccines have been found to provide good protection against serious disease, although this protection diminishes with time.

Experts suggest that because many of the oldest had their last vaccination in autumn 2021, their protection may already be waning.

A second booster, to be given six months after the first dose, will now be available to:

- Individuals aged 12 and up who are immunosuppressed or have weakened immune systems.

 - Adults aged 75 and up. 

- Residents at a care home for older adults.

The extra booster jab will be available to about five million people in the UK, with the first 600,000 people being invited this week.

Dr. Nikki Kanani, a GP and deputy lead for the NHS's vaccination program, advised everyone who was eligible to schedule booster shots as soon as possible.

"With infections on the rise, this is a critical chance for folks who are eligible to come forward and get scheduled for their spring booster," she added.

Adults who are eligible will be offered either the Moderna or Pfizer/BionNTech vaccines.

The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine will be offered to young individuals aged 12 to 18.

Six months following the last dose of vaccine, the extra jabs will be administered.

More than two-thirds of persons over the age of 12 in the UK have received two Covid vaccinations plus a single booster shot.

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