To Avoid Misunderstandings During "Heightened Tensions" In Ukraine, The US Has Canceled A Planned Missile Test

To Avoid Misunderstandings During "Heightened Tensions" In Ukraine, The US Has Canceled A Planned Missile Test

During a briefing at the Pentagon on Wednesday, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said that US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin canceled a planned test of the Minute Man III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile that was originally scheduled for this week to avoid "any actions that could be misunderstood or misconstrued" during heightened tensions with Russia.

"The secretary of defense has requested that our minute man three intercontinental ballistic missile test launch slated for this week be postponed to demonstrate that we have no intention of engaging in any conduct that could be misunderstood or misconstrued," Kirby said.

According to Kirby, the secretary made this decision in light of the "heightened tensions" produced by Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Russian President Vladimir Putin's warning earlier this week that Russian nuclear forces were on high alert.

The US military is canceling the ICBM test to "show" that it is a "responsible nuclear power," according to Kirby.

"This isn't a step backward in our readiness, and it doesn't mean we'll have to stop doing other things to maintain a credible nuclear capacity," Kirby said.

"As I've already stated, we remain confident in our strategic posture, and our ability to protect the homeland, as well as our allies and partners, remains completely intact and ready," he continued.

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