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Nana Akufo-Addo, Ghana's president has announced decisions to re-open the country’s air borders.
In a televised address Sunday night, his 15th update on the government’s measures to combat coronavirus, Mr Akufo-Addo set September 1 as the potential re-opening date of the country’s airports.
According to the president, the Ministry of Aviation, the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority and the Ghana Airports Co. Ltd., have been working with the Ministry of Health and its agencies, to ascertain the country’s readiness to reopen its airport.
“I want to ensure we are in the position to test every single passenger who arrives in the country to avoid the spread of the virus. The outcome of that exercise will show us the way and determine when we can reopen our border by air,” he said.
“I am hoping by God’s grace, we will be ready to do so by September 1,” the president added.
Ghana’s international borders were closed to human traffic on March 22, 2020, in a bid to stem the spread of coronavirus.
Meanwhile, tertiary institutions in the country will reopen on August 24.
The president lifted restrictions placed on persons allowed to attend conferences subject to the maintenance of social distancing, proper ventilation and a two-hour limit for each session.

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