Mitch McConnell senate majority leader is facing bipartisan calls for the upper chamber's recess to be cut short so senators can vote on emergency U.S. Postal Service (USPS) funding and iron out the terms of a second coronavirus relief deal.
Lawmakers railed against the Kentucky Republican's plan to keep senators on holiday until September as American families struggled with their finances as the wait for further COVID-19 stimulus funding continued.
They also raised fears about the USPS' preparedness to deal with millions of mail-in ballots amid reports of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy leveling cutbacks on sorting machines and overtime.
 Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) posted on social media thus: "Bring the Senate back now to protect the USPS [Mitch McConnell]. And while we're at it, let's finally pass another COVID relief bill to help struggling families."
Blumenthal (D-CT) tweeted: "Senators should be back—we never should have left—to do our jobs in DC, just like the House," Sen. Richard  "Destruction of the the Postal Service is unconscionable & un-American. Bipartisan action is necessary now."
 Former Democratic primary contender Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO)  called on the upper chamber to return and "fully fund" the U.S. election through a USPS relief package.

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