In The Wake Of Omicron's Arrival In The United States, Biden Announces A Plan To Provide Booster Shots To 100 Million Americans.

In The Wake Of Omicron's Arrival In The United States, Biden Announces A Plan To Provide Booster Shots To 100 Million Americans.

Joe Biden outlined new measures to combat the coronavirus in the United States, including a nationwide push to encourage vaccine boosters, the expansion of at-home diagnostics, and tighter foreign travel restrictions.

The US president visited the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, on Thursday, where he set out a pandemic battle plan for the winter months, despite the appearance of the Omicron variety and political blowback from Republicans.

After the first US case of the Omicron variety of Covid-19 was discovered in California on Wednesday and a second in Minnesota on Thursday, the campaign has taken on new urgency.

During December, the president promised to enhance pharmacy availability, and pharmacy partners will send millions of messages, calls, and emails to eligible customers with information on how to make an appointment or come in for a booster shot.

A public education campaign will also be launched to urge adults to obtain boosters, with a particular focus on the elderly. Paid advertising across many channels, involvement with community organizations, and media campaigns will all be part of the plan.

"My plan doesn't pull any punches," Biden added, "and it's a strategy that should bring us together."

Biden announced plans to ensure that roughly 100 million Americans who are eligible for a booster shot get one as quickly as possible.

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