According To A Lawyer, The Accuser Of Prince Andrew Is Unlikely To Accept A Monetary Settlement Alone.

According To A Lawyer, The Accuser Of Prince Andrew Is Unlikely To Accept A Monetary Settlement Alone.

A lawyer for the lady who accuses the Duke of York of sexually assaulting her when she was 17 believes a monetary settlement will not suffice.

Virginia Giuffre filed a court action against Prince Andrew in the United States, alleging that he assaulted her in 2001. He has always refuted the allegations.

After Prince Andrew attempted to have the action dismissed, a court ruled that it can proceed.

Ms Giuffre's lawyer, David Boies, said she wants to be vindicated.

Prince Andrew's attorneys had argued that Ms Giuffre had forfeited her right to pursue the matter because of a 2009 arrangement she made with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

Judge Lewis A Kaplan, however, stated that the case could proceed, noting that the verdict did not assess the "truth or untruth" of Ms Giuffre's claim. The lawsuit against Prince Andrew, 61, is expected to go to trial later this year.

Mr. Boies told the BBC's Newsnight that the decision was "an essential step" toward a trial.

"I believe it is critical that this matter be settled in a way that vindicates Virginia Giuffre and the other victims," he said. I don't believe she has a solid opinion on what the best option is.

"However, I believe that what is most significant is that this resolution vindicates her and the claim she has made."

Ms Giuffre claimed in court records that she was a victim of sex trafficking and abuse at the hands of late billionaire financier Epstein.

She claims that being lent out to other powerful men was part of her abuse.

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